Monday, May 09, 2005

Defining Knowledge as Competence

Defining Knowledge as Competence

Recently on the Act-KM egroup there was a passionate discussion on "What is knowledge?"

And I chose to define it on the basis of Competence.

It's the fourth level of competence building, when "unconscious competence"
takes place, and it is possible when one passes throughthe stages of unconcious
incompetence (no data , no information) , to conscious incompetence (I now know
what I don't know) to conscious competence (learning in a social context, with a
coach or mentor) from which it moves to unconcious competence (my body &
mind both "know" now)

Check here for more.

This is because I have been profoundly influenced by Peter Senge's thoughts on learning:

For Peter Senge, real learning gets to the heart of what it is to be human.
We become able to re-create ourselves. This applies to both individuals and
organizations. Thus, for a ‘learning organization it is not enough to survive.
‘”Survival learning” or what is more often termed “adaptive learning” is important – indeed it is necessary. But for a learning organization, “adaptive learning” must be joined by “generative learning”, learning that enhances our capacity to create’ (Senge 1990:14).

And also Nonaka's thoughts on Knowledge Creation

"The creation of knowledge is not simply a compilation of facts but a
uniquely human process that cannot be reduced or easily replicated."